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You did it! You graduated!

It’s time to send your friends and family a graduation announcement. Aside from the obvious things like proofreading and spell-checking your work, how do you write the perfect graduation announcement? After all, this is your moment to show off everything you’ve learned! 

Read on for the best tips and tricks so that you can nail it the first time.

Consider Your Audience

Your reader already knows you, otherwise you wouldn’t be inviting them sending them an announcement. Make sure you use warm, welcoming language. Tell them who the invite is from at the very beginning.

Include All the Essential Details

If you’re inviting your friends and family to the ceremony or a graduation party, make sure you include all the details that they will need to plan accordingly by adding a special message or a personal note card. The essential details should include all of the following: 

  • What the Event Is 
  • Where You’re Graduating From 
  • What Degree You Attained 
  • The Time, Date and Location of the Event 

If you leave anything out, expect to answer the same questions from everyone you invited. It pays to be thorough here. 

Bonus Tip – make sure you add an address or online registry to send gifts to in case they can’t attend the event. Remember that it brings other people joy to give, especially for occasions like this, so it doesn’t hurt to offer them that opportunity.

Thank Them

Gratitude goes a long way.

Yes, this is your special event. But it’s also the precious hours of their life that they’re going to spend coming to support you. A simple “thank you” at the end will win anyone over. 

Optional Generic Verbiage

Too busy to write your own? Fear not, we’ve got you covered. Just copy and paste right from this template text below. But don’t forget to customize it with all of your specific details so that it’s more personal to you and your situation! 


To the beloved family and friends of [NAME], 


You are formally invited to attend my [graduation ceremony OR graduation celebration] from [NAME OF SCHOOL] with a [DEGREE] in [SUBJECT]. 


Please come celebrate my achievement with me on [DATE] at [TIME] at [LOCATION]. 


Thank you in advance, I’m looking forward to seeing you all there. 





PS Can’t make it? I will catch up with you another time. If you insist on sending gifts, you can mail them to [ADDRESS], or find my online registry [HERE]. 



Writing the perfect graduation announcement isn’t all that hard, you just need to: 

  • Consider your audience for a kind greeting
  • Include all the details so they can attend your event
  • Thank them in advance for attending
  • Offer a place where they can send gifts to 

Did you know that Signature Announcements offers all kinds of graduation specific party supplies? Order online so you can save your time for saying goodbyes to your besties and all those hundreds of other little details after graduation.

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