Protect Your Diploma

Protect Your Diploma

Properly protected, your diploma will last many lifetimes. Share the gift of education with your children and grandchildren by protecting your diploma in an officially licened Diploma Frame.
Graduation can be expensive

Graduation can be expensive

Graduation commitments run long and deep. From application to walking across the stage, to moving to a new city, there are great adventures ahead... many of which will cost money. When you send Graduation Announcements to friends and family, they understand this, and many will send gifts to help you with the great transition ahead.
Job Fair-Making the Right Impression

Job Fair-Making the Right Impression

How to stand out at your next job fair, without being the sore thumb. Making a great first impression is a must.
Job Hunting Tips

Job Hunting Tips

Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Where do I find the best job? Websites? On campus? More?
Writing a great Cover Letters

Writing a great Cover Letters

Your cover letter is your in writing introduction before someone reads your resume. Hit the right points and your already 1/2 way hired. Give yourself an edge with a great cover letter.
How to Write a Resume

How to Write a Resume

Resumes are your "bread & butter" to getting a job. Your resume should list your best, and most important accomplishments and history.
Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Health Insurance is a necessity now-a-days. Don't get caught without, or you may find yourself in a world of debt.
Car Buyers Guide

Car Buyers Guide

After graduation is a popular time to get a new car. Many car companies offer specific programs for graduating students.
How to Establish Credit

How to Establish Credit

Credit is the oil that keeps our economy running. Establish your own so you can enjoy the benefits of purchasing a car or home using your good name and credit score.
Campus vs Apartment vs moving back with Mom!

Campus vs Apartment vs moving back with Mom!

Living on and around campus is a unique experience that you thoroughly enjoyed, but now are ready for something new, or not. After you graduate, one of the big changes is moving to a new city, region or area of the country... Sometimes it's moving home with Mom & Dad.
Announce Your Graduation

Announce Your Graduation

Protect Your Diploma

Protect Your Diploma



Write a Cover Letter

Write a Cover Letter

Not living on campus

Not living on campus

Graduation is Expensive

Graduation is Expensive

Temporary Health Insurance

Temporary Health Insurance

Job Hunting Grads

Job Hunting Grads

Establishing Credit

Establishing Credit


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