About Us

Signature Announcements – Dedicated to Recognizing Scholastic Achievement!

Highest Standards From Start to Finish

Signature Announcements, Inc. has been producing the highest quality graduation memorabilia since 1994. Our company is family owned and operated out of Clearwater, Florida. Since our beginning, we have dedicated ourselves to recognizing the scholastic achievement of college seniors all across the country. Our products are officially licensed by your university, which eases your mind to know that we are not only a trusted brand, but every purchase made through us benefits the Educational, Scholarship, and Athletic Programs for your college.

<p>Our Family’s Promise</p>

Our Family’s Promise

Our family’s goal is to maintain the highest standards of Professionalism, Customer Service, Product Quality and Pricing. Becoming one of the fastest growing and most respected graduation announcement and memorabilia companies in the country, is the result of our solid dedication! You can be certain that we want to keep it that way!

Early on, we recognized the importance that students placed on receiving the highest quality, personalized announcements, to present one of their greatest achievements to their family and friends. Others have tried to copy us, selling lower quality imitations of our products, but have never succeeded at matching our exceptional quality, terrific value, competitive pricing and

“Designations are only given to members who meet very high quality and customer service standards.”

our standards do not end with graduation announcements; we uphold our standards with all of our products, including our diploma frames. We have dedicated our time and resources in producing the finest graduation memorabilia and ensuring that when you order with Signature



We are proud members of The Collegiate Licensing Company, Affinity Marketing Consultants, Fermata Partners, Nexus Partners, Exemplar Associates, and many individual university licensing programs representing nearly every large university in the United States. These designations are only given to members who meet very high quality and customer service standards. We manufacture and license all of our graduation products in house, so our hands touch every product, and our eyes see every transaction.

Our list of associated universities continues to grow; please let us know if you would like your school or college to be a proud member of the Signature Announcements family. Also, if you are a school or college interested in associating with Signature Announcements, please contact our New Schools Department.

Exceptional quality, terrific value, competitive pricing and Signature service…that’s the Signature way. Let us prove it to you today!

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We guarantee every product we sell!

Code of Conduct

Purpose: As a family owned and operated business, Signature Announcements is committed to:
• Integrity, legal and ethical responsibility
• Respect for the law for social and environmental responsibility
• Respect for the rights of all individuals
• This Code of Conduct will serve as a guideline for Signature Announcements, Inc.

A. Ethical Responsibility
Signature Announcements must commit itself to the highest standard of ethical conduct and integrity.

1. Integrity
Corruption, extortion and embezzlement are strictly prohibited. Employees must not offer or accept any bribe or other means of obtaining undue advantage. Any actual or attempted violation by a Supplier may result in termination as a Signature Announcements Supplier and legal action.

2. Gifts and gratuities
Signature Announcements employees are prohibited by our Code of Ethics from asking for or accepting any money, object of value or preferential treatment from any current or prospective Signature Announcements business partner. Signature Announcements employees may only accept business-related meals, entertainment, token gifts or favors when the value involved is not significant and clearly will not place them under any actual or perceived obligation to the donor. Offering gifts or gratuities that would cause a Signature Announcements employee to be in violation of these rules is a violation of our Code of Conduct.

3. Fair business practices
Signature Announcements, Inc will uphold standards of fair business, advertising and competition and ensure that information provided to customers is not misleading.

4. Whistleblower
policy Signature Announcements will maintain policies that protect the confidentiality of whistleblowers who may raise concerns about ethical or legal issues within Signature Announcements.

5. Community engagement
Signature Announcements encourages engages in the communities where it operates to promote social and economic development.

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